Classic White and Green Bouquet


A beautiful colour combination that never goes out of fashion. This bouquet includes the very best mix of white and green flowers and foliage . Hand tied and presented in a gift box.

Standard £35

Medium £45

Large £55

If you would like a bespoke or larger bouquet or arrangement for your loved one then please get in touch by email

Please add any special requests in the comments box. We will endeavour to fulfil these. We also sell vases and other gifts so get in touch if you’d like to add one of these. Prices start from £7.50 for vases.

We will do our very best to include the flowers in the picture, however, there are occasions when some flowers may be substituted. Please be assured that we always choose the highest quality blooms whilst providing you with the best value for money.

Here at Rosa Gabriella we offer both Local Delivery & Collection Options.

We can deliver locally throughout Mid Cheshire and delivery is available Monday - Saturday. The minimum spend for delivery is £30.

If you'd prefer to collect from the studio, please contact us on 07918 180197 to arrange a day and time.

If there isn't anyone home when we deliver, we will leave the bouquet in a safe place if this is appropriate or return it to the studio if we feel that there isn't anywhere appropriate to leave it. The bouquet can then be collected from the studio.

If you have any questions regarding delivery and collection, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Additional information


Standard, Medium, Large